
Corporate Video 2017

40th Anniversary Video

Runway Resurfacing in Changi Airport for SG50

Runway Resurfacing in Changi Airport 2017

Paving of Marina Coastal Expressway with the Highest Quality Standards

Beam Launching at Airport Boulevard

Beam Launching at Mandai Lake Rd

Beam Launching at Newton Area (Video 1)

Beam Launching at Newton Area (Video 2)

Beam Launching at Seletar West Link

Commissioning of Pipe Jacking with Advanced Tunnel Boring Machine

Processing of Asphalt Pavement Waste and Its Applications

Processing of Construction & Demolition Waste and Its Applications

SMART Lifting Gear for I-Beams Installation

Spray Painting Machine for Pavement Marking

Ultra-high Water Pressure Blasting Machine for Rubber and Pavement Marking Removal

Runway Grooving in Changi Airport

Lazarus Island Beach Cleanup cum Family Outing

Silver Generation Engagement Programme at Taman Jurong

SIT-Samwoh – Signing of Collaboration Agreement

Family Day – Healthy Cooking Class

Family Movie Night