To ease the congested traffic during peak hours, a comprehensive traffic improvement scheme was implemented at Newton areas. This scheme included road widening, increase in storage capacities of approaches, launching of four new U-turns and few signalised pedestrian crossings.
Separated by the Bukit Timah Canal, multiple prestressed precast (PSPC) beams were designed and launched at three junctions for the construction of vehicular bridges that serve as the U-turn facilities between Bukit Timah Road and Dunearn Road. This approach eliminated the need for any temporary falsework during the casting of top slabs. At the same time, reinforced concrete box culverts (RCBCs) were established as part of these vehicular crossings to ensure the canal flow was not altered after work completion.
Prior to the work commencement in the canal, the project team worked closely with LTA and PUB on the methodology, work sequence and evacuation procedure. Various engineering considerations had been devised to warrant the canal flow was not impeded at all times while safe work practices had also been outlined to create an absolutely conducive environment for the project crew to work in. Installation of earth retaining stabilising structure (ERSS), formation of collapsible bund walls, provision of temporary steel channel drain, hoisting of machineries in and out on a daily basis were some examples of good work procedures.
Together with the upgrading of drainage systems and other road amenities, the carriageways were recambered to relief the underlying flood-prone issues in the vicinity as well. On average, the carriageways were raised for 0.5 m in height with a maximum height of 1.2 m for certain segments.